Tuesday, 11 March 2014



      Only one marriage is to be indicate in the native horoscope.Due to some planetary positions supporting more than one marriage in same chart.If 7th house in navamsa chart fall in the sign of Sun, Mars,Mercury or Jupiter only one marriage to be indicated.As per Jyotish books some malefics in Ascendant create term for more than marriage than one marriage. Many charts have been found having Rahu or Ketu in Ascendant, the marriage survived,may be cause of strong planets effect. But presence of Rahu or Ketu in Ascendant some unconventionality in marriage life in shape of marital relationship.


Some combinations of more than one marriage or affairs:-

  1.        If 7th lord in 6th with or aspects by Rahu may be more marriage.
  2.      If 7th lord and Venus are in common sign in  the native chart (lagna kundli) indication  of more than one marriage.position from Moon will be checked.
  3.      If many planets in 7th house or 7th lord indication of more than one marriage
  4.      Saturn in 2nd house & Rahu in 7th house possibility of more than one marriage.
  5.      If 7th lord or 11th strong in trikonas house than more affairs/marriage.
  6.     .If the lord of Ascendant placed in 6th,8th or 12th house and afflicted by a malefic planet or placed in inimical sign may be created the same problem.
  7. If 2nd lordin the 8th house and malefic placed in 2nd house create this situation for more than one marriage.
  8. If malefic placed in 4th,8th and 12th from Venus than create problem for another marriage.
  9. If weak Mars,Venus,Saturn in placed 2nd,4th,7th,8th and 12th houses than given more than one marriage.
  10. If the Sun,Moon in 7th house in dual sign then possibility for the more marriage.
  11.  If 7th house falls in evil sign and 7th lord is debilitated.
  12.  12th lord in 7th house is also conducive to more than one marriage

In this horoscope the boy got marriage in Feb.2009 and 2nd marriage in 2012 
               1. 7th lord is placed in 12th house and also conjunction with malefic planet. 

          2.Malefic planet in 7th house may be give 2nd marriage.
            In this chart, the native has been got marriage in first time in 1997,and  IInd marriage in 1999  and 3rd marriage in year 2012.
  1. Strong 7th lord is in Kendra and aspect ed by 10thlord may give more than marriage.
  2. Jupiter in its own sign may give more than marriage.
  3.  8th lord in 5th house with conjunction of malefic give more than one marriage.


Unknown said...

I have venus,jupiter,moon and ketu in first house in aquarius sign.mercury in second house in pisces sign.sun,mars and saturn in third house in aries sign.rahu in seventh house in leo sign.what about my married life ? will it be a tragedy ?

Unknown said...

Hi sir plz predict my marriage when it take place Date of birth :01/09/1986 Time of birth :8.45 am Place of birth :ongole