In a famale's horoscope Jupiter should be taken as the significators of the husband. In a male's horoscope,Jupiter among others matters ,is the significator for knowlege, sons, good behaviours , marriage, religious faith,happiness. When Jupiter is posited in 7th at time of birth,the native will be blessed with a decent wife or husband and children.He/She will be handsom and more liberal than his father.
If Jupiter is lagnesh of this house in strong and powerful position, the native spouse will be wisdom and devotion. He /She will be maintain the name and progress in business.
If Jupiter malefic and afflicted, then the native marriage may be delayed or denied. The native spouse may not be given happiness in married life due to miscarriage.
If Jupiter is not lord of 7th house and placement in this house, the native spouse from good family and well cultured, love affection to him .Blessed with good children by the God. He/She will be aptitude for every science.
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