Aries sign
Aries zodiac :-
Taurus sign
Taurus Zodiac :- The girl born in Taurus has a well-rounded face, medium height, blonde body, thick black hair with rounded and attractive personality, and round big and bright eyes. The lips will be relatively rough.If Chandra is also auspicious, then Taurus is a high-powered, independent-minded person. Persevering on your determination and persistence, it would not be smart to be wise.Be careful and possessive nature, but will also take special care of your reputation.Love with whom she will love with full sincerity, dedication and loyalty.Guests will be very skilled at hospice.
Taurus Zodiac :- The girl born in Taurus has a well-rounded face, medium height, blonde body, thick black hair with rounded and attractive personality, and round big and bright eyes. The lips will be relatively rough.If Chandra is also auspicious, then Taurus is a high-powered, independent-minded person. Persevering on your determination and persistence, it would not be smart to be wise.Be careful and possessive nature, but will also take special care of your reputation.Love with whom she will love with full sincerity, dedication and loyalty.Guests will be very skilled at hospice.
Gemini zodiac :- Rapid memory power of women of Gemini is also alert, cautious, cheerful, friendly and behavioral.The lady has test less mind and changed desire immediately.Gemini will depend on the condition of the moon - success in the marital life. In this planet, a highly respected and intelligent life partner will be received. She is intellectual inclination , capacity to love and to be loved and quick emotional upsets are the others characteristics of this sign.
Cancer Zodiac:- The face of the girls who take birth in Cancer is beautiful, wide, white and beautiful, beautiful cheeks, white hair, black eyes for some brown and sapphire, hands are small, medium height, thin body.this is generally an ideal place for moon provided the constellation is either punarvasu or pushya.As the decreasing and growing arts of the Moon, changes in their nature also change over time.
The girls born in Cancer are wise, cheerful, passionate, sensitive, hard working, altruistic, and kind.The success of marital life depends on the auspicious and inauspicious condition of the Guru and Saturn in the horoscope. After marriage, there will be festivity for both.
Leo sun sign :- The girl who is born in Leo will be beautiful, wide face, balanced body composition, generally high height, thin waist, beautiful big - big eyes, attractive and effective person.Girls is wise, expressive, generous heart, self-confident, self-respecting, hardworking, friendly, fearless, strong heart, patient, full of words, entrepreneur, and trusting in her happiness.In the marital and romantic relationships, the lion jatika plays a very enthusiastic, active and efficient role. With her husband, she tries to fulfill her family and social obligations with utmost sincerity. Loyal and devoted.
Virgo: - These girls are blondes, beautiful eyes, shameful but thin and some pungent voice, dense black force, medium height, agile - charming personality.Virgo girl's intelligent, passionate, harmonious, fortunate, sweet language, with feminine qualities, eyes for innocence and honesty, she will have religious views.This girl is seeking the interest of all. Religion and custom are to follow. Love is not able to show love because of embarrassment, irrational nature. There is a feeling of loyal, honest, surrogate towards his life partner. If the marriage of the Kundalio of the bride and bridegroom is matched by marriage, then marital life It remains pleasant.
Libra zodiac: - The height of the girl, born in this zodiac, is a high, fair, and rectangular shape, with some length, balanced, beautiful and attractive body composition. Nayan-mask will be very young and often appear in youth.In childhood, the lean and youthful condition will improve. Humble nature, easy to smile. Are intelligent, fair, straightforward, self-respecting, enthusiastic. Food and beauty are the ones with special interest in cosmetics. The power of hypothesis is strong.Have independent thoughts in relation to relationships and marriage. Decreases against the expectation of their parents. Be loyal to your husband, loyal The marriage arrangement of the daughters of Libra Zodiac will be auspicious with Aries, Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius zodiac. Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Capricorn will remain moderate. Lion and Pisces are not suitable with the money.
Scorpio: - The daughter of this zodiac will be beautiful and tall face, strong and balanced body with long hands, big and bright eyes, impressive personality.Walking will be fast, agile and quick. Auspicious doer, adhering to his religion, sharp intellect, entrepreneur, stubborn. Relationships related to love and romance are very serious, loyal and honest towards their partner. After marriage, the couple will be blessed with life and happiness and happiness. If the seventh house of the horoscope and Saptamesh Saturn, Sun, Ketu etc. are in the midst of the ferocious planets or are seen, then the grandfather lives sad, miserable and disturbed in marital life.
Selection of friendly spouses: - If friendship of Scorpio, friendship and spouse relationship with Aries, Taurus, Leo, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces will be auspicious and beneficial.
Sagittarius: - Sattling of the Sagittarius has a long height, beautiful, some well-arranged and balanced body, long face for oval width, some brown hair, bright brown eyes, dense eyebrows, beautiful strong teeth, wide crown, Has an attractive personality.There should not be too many arguments-arguments, hypocrisy and critical thinking when choosing the daughter of Sagittarius for life partner. Sometimes, due to the fanatic fanatic, the appropriate age of manglik marriage goes out. This gives the girl and her parents and companions False conflicts have to face.The lady is sincere and kind-hearted .She is disappointed in her private life due to own impetuosity.
Capricorn :- The lady is serious thinker and sober in action.The young woman has medium stature, beautiful and thin body. She has oval face, long nose, blue deep eyes and sharp features, thin waist, thick black hair and if saturn is in the lagan, then there will be more hair on body. It means that there is a black mark or mole on the knees.The master of Capricorn should avoid the highly introspective and self-interest nature, the solitude, the feeling of depression.For the daughters of Capricorn, suitable marriage with Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Virgo, Libra, Aquarius and Pisces will be auspicious.
Aquarius Zodiac: - The lady is bron in the Aquarius zodiac sign will be high, honest, intelligent, well-read, hardworking, virtuous, kind and altruistic nature, sensitive, honest, behavioral, and friendly to your duty.
The high and medium height, balanced and well-structured anatomy of the zodiac in the Aquarius zodiac will be honest towards its duty, elliptical face, white and bright character, intense intellectual, good memory, hardworking, virtuous, kind and altruistic nature.
Girls are born in good total and are attaining prestige in their families and society through qualities. These girls are motivated by the subtle and deep sympathy of the heart in marriage relations. Still, in their future life partner, Together, academic intellectuals also give preference to qualifications and social status.
Pisces: - The girl born in Pisces will be very nicely, nose, and small eyes, very fierce, money grains, and all pleasures like fish, religion, charity, husband, and children will be happy.
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