Friday, 1 March 2019


Marriage is a very important fastening, these facts should be kept in mind. This science of astrology should be kept in view. So that a coalition can be properly formed.

         1. If mercury is situated in the 7th house, the wife of the native will bear good offspring; if the Jupiter, she will be virtuous and excellent progeny. If the 7th lord is occupied by Venus in strength, the wife will enjoy a happy married life and will be highly rich.

2. When malefic planets occupy the 7th house or vision on the 7th house or its lord, the native will have a late marriage.

3. If the lord of the 7th house is the vision by or associated with the Venus or occupies a house owned by the latter, the native-born will be so extravagantly fond of the spouse or caressing private parts.

4.  If Venus and the moon are in opposition to Mars and Saturn in any Nativity, the native concerned will be spouse less or childlessness.

5. If Mars and Venus are conjunct in the 7th house without benefice association or vision the native will have intimacy with women other than his wife.

   6. If the malefic influences predominate on the 7th house or lagnesh and its lord without any neutralizing effect, the marriage life will be a hell.

7. If Mars in the 7th house is un-aspects by benefices, there will be frequent quarrels in marriage life often leading to misunderstandings and separation.

8. If the Saturn in the 7th house is also indicative of unhappiness in the marriage.

9. If the lagnesh be conjunct with that of the 7th, the native-born will get a mature, best wife. If the Lagna lord in the above position is at the same time obscured by the Sun, the spouse of the person will be entirely devoid of good features.

     10.  If Saturn is in the placed eighth house and especially in a category to Mars, the married life will be crossed by discord, lack of mutual understanding, and absence of real attachment.   


       11.  When Leo is Ascendant and 7th Lord Saturn is in the 2nd house, the husband will be completely subservient to the wife, carrying out all her orders.

      12.   If the Sun and Venus are in the situated in the 5th, 7th, or 9th house, then a man gets great happiness in marital life



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