When any person is born, he/she has a birth constellation. The position of planets and constellations is how they are positioned in the sky at that particular time and from that particular place. Twelve houses and twelve zodiac signs are visible in our horoscope and planets seem to be located inside them. 27 Nakshatras also guide this 360-degree zodiac. The zodiac sign in which the Moon will appear in the horoscope of any individual is the birth sign. Without constellations, it is impossible to know the movement of planets. The importance given to the eyes in the human body is similar to what is given to the constellations in astrology. In other words, if astrology is the eye of knowledge, then it would not be wrong to call a constellation the eye of astrology. It affects the living beings on the earth.
Each Nakshatra covers 13°20' of the zodiac and thus there are 27 of them. Each Nakshatra is divided into four equal parts of 3°20', each known as a pad and each pad representing different characteristics.Each woman has different qualities. Moon and various Nakshatras decide it as per the details given below:
Ashwini Nakshatra:-(Ketu,) The nature of these women is fast working, agility, candor, lively heart, happy mood, intelligence,, attractive youth, leadership, magic, muscular body, courageous good manners. Loves ornaments, wears nice clothes, respects elders, and has more friends. Skilled in buying and selling, generous intelligence, air diseases, new things and new plans, and full of money grains. If the father born in the first place remains ill because it is considered Ganda Moola Nakshatra. The first term is 0-3°-20'. Mars is the lord of the zodiac and Sun is the causative planet. The second term falls from 3° 20' to 6°-40'. It comes in the Navamsa of Venus and the woman is respected for being resourceful, a lover of luxury, and full of wealth. It remains warm from 6°40' to 10°. Comes in the Navamsa of Mercury. Happy, humorous, loving, intelligent, tactful, businessman, and knowledgeable of many subjects. The fourth house is from 10° to 13°20', the lord of Navamsa is Moon and the woman is understanding of others' needs, sensitive, generous-hearted, having faith in truth, justice, and religion.
Good cook, dancer, maker, and medicine seller. Running is a risky job. Work related to law and order, treatment of diseases, and sports are efficient. Diamonds are jewelers, wear gold ornaments, and are exploratory tools used in hospitals.
2. BHARANI NAKSHATRA:- (Venus) Women born in Bharani Nakshatra have secretive nature, life and purity swing at opposite ends, purity, and filth, stupidity, scholarship and food, desire, aspiration, childish behavior, inquisitive nature, importance to feelings, desire to attain enlightenment, The little one enters puberty. Age, Big eyes, Attractive, Skilled in expressing emotions through eyes, Eyes speak, Head big, Lips medium size, Charming smile, Killer mannerisms, and charming smile, Sense of responsibility, Lack of will, Violent, Aggressive, Cruel behavior, Sometimes leaving one work unfinished and starting another, Enthusiastic and energetic, Lack of direction, Conjoined with Maa Saraswati, Maa Lakshmi and Maa Kali and Cheerful and sociable and feminine nature, Determination, Two Supernatural unions of souls, rich in original ideas, espionage, modeling, cosmetics, fond of tea, making sweets, crossing the boundaries of the opposite sex, building relationships, indulgences, changing tradition, all these qualities are included. Justice and surgery, sharp instruments, blasting work, aiming, and high positions are active. Sharp intelligence, fierce look, and gentle nature, self-respecting, mighty, and not afraid of fighting. Prosperity, health, film solution, and light food.
3. Kritika Nakshatra:- (Sun)and The word Kritika means a woman who proves her work. Kritika's cutter, dissector, and sharp hitter, Sun God is the king and Venus is the lord of the zodiac. Women born in Kritika Nakshatra are beautiful and attractive youth, hardworking and mighty, they are fond of playing with dangers. Self-confidence, determination, amazing strength, and ethical behavior are supported by a loving lover, human values are supported by a generous heart, and worldly pleasures are a luxurious desire. He is fond of wearing royal clothes, wearing diamonds, and pearls.
Mrigashira Nakshatra:- A woman born in Mrigashira Nakshatra is beautiful, eats well, respects elders, has a loud voice, wrathful, fickle, mild, wandering, inquisitive nature, sharp-minded, gentle, cheerful, sociable, polite, humble, enthusiastic, ever- Sometimes the character is suspicious. Husband in vain, due to which conjugal happiness is on fire. The lord of the zodiac is Mars and the woman is stubborn, aggressive, and cruel. Sometimes keeping and trusting a woman with more than one person proves to be harmful. Designing, journalism, and doing business is a hobby. Home decoration, gardening, research bureau, knowledge of physics and astronomy, craftsmanship. Interested in astrological knowledge and spiritual progress. It remains like a mirage.
Ardra Nakshatra stays in Gemini from 6°40' degrees to 20 degrees. Its lord is Rahu. Shiva the destroyer is considered the presiding deity of Arda Nakshatra. Women born in these are fickle, face somewhat long, curly hair, sharp vision piercing hearts, fickle minds, angry, emotional nature, make false statements, and look calm from the outside and the mind-brain is always active from the inside. Those who live are immoral. Conduct gives happiness, splendor, and prosperity, achieves success, is physically strong, mighty, and hardworking. Thoughts have the power to bear the storm patiently, maintain cleanliness, and remain stable even in adverse circumstances. Healer of brain diseases, greedy for happiness, confidence, and spiritual progress, and helper of the poor. In the modern era, the qualities of science music entertainment, interest in writing, philosophical education style, fast food, drugs and political conspiracies and scams, search exploration, photography, mathematics science, designing, art science music exist. The lord of the zodiac is Mercury and Rahu is lord the lord of the constellation. Turmoil and chaos, fantasy and sentimentality, seasickness, and distinctive identity appear.
Punarvasu Nakshatra = This Nakshatra lasts from 20 degrees of Gemini to 3 degrees 20 degrees of Cancer. Nakshatra is Jupiter and the lord of Rashi is Moon. The women of the Vaishya caste are of medium height, mild-mannered, kind-hearted, and charitable. Perseverance in religion, loving discipline, courage, peace, truthfulness, impartiality, business intelligence, tact, loving family and skill, truthful, unwavering faith, hardworking, mighty, ambitious, scholar, scientist and litterateur, wealth and fame from abroad meets. , Clever, smart, squat, hunter, flexible body, cleanliness lover, excessive experimenter, shameless in behavior, and courageous in adverse circumstances. They are related to society. Knowledge of psychology, astrology, esotericism, interest in maintenance, interest in interior things, desire to invent, sharp intelligence, a special attachment to religious works.
Pushya Nakshatra:- Pushya Nakshatra ranges from 3 degrees 20" to 16 degrees 40" of Cancer. Cancer is the sign of water element, the lord of this sign is Moon. Pushya Nakshatra is considered the eighth constellation in the sky and is at number eight. The Lord of Pushya Nakshatra is Shani Dev and the deity is Jupiter. The deity is considered to be even more influential than the lord. The metaphor of Pushya Nakshatra is related to the udder of the mother cow. Our gods and goddesses are believed to reside in the mother cow. A woman born in Pushya Nakshatra is lucky, wealthy, and plays a royal role. These women are sweet-spoken, majestic, full of happiness, splendor and prosperity, success, affection, cooperation, hospitality, and always clever. The chest of a woman is strong, shapely round, and radiant. The body is also a muscular body leading to obesity. Cold and cough develop very quickly. Friendly, polite, obsessed with delicious food and worldly pleasures. Mother-like women have special reverence and respect. Politics diplomacy and power can become the sum of happiness and prosperity. Cancer is the fourth zodiac sign of the horoscope, mother, land, and place of happiness. Mother's love and love for children. Ambitious and progressive, patience gives stamina.
Ashlesha Nakshatra:- In Cancer, the four phases of the Ashlesha constellation fall from 16°40" to 30°. The star chakra of Ashlesha Nakshatra is situated on the forehead of Nagraj Vasuki. Girls born in Ashlesha Nakshatra are very beautiful and attractive. ..It is about personality. Mercury is the lord. The qualities of Mercury are temperament and intelligence, practical, efficient, visionary, and talented. If Mercury in Ashlesha Nakshatra is under the influence of sin then it is selfish, deceitful, and deceitful. Like a doctor, he is considered cruel, vindictive, and violent. A person is born to complete the tasks left incomplete in previous lives. A part of the karma of previous birth appears as Prarabdha Karma. Dev and demon tendencies are included. A criminal, a scammer, becomes interested in the conspiracy.
It cannot tolerate hunger and wants to eat delicious food. He does not forget his insult. Hawk, a criminal, becomes interested in the conspiracy. Ashlesha Nakshatra is a Gand Moola Nakshatra and it causes problems for the parents.
Pesticides, the petroleum industry, drug buying and selling, research institutes, secret variable departments, psychologists, spiritual gurus, and treatment of poisonous infections are good.
MAGHA NAKSHATRA;- In Leo, the four phases of Magha Nakshatra come from 0° to 13°20" and Magha Nakshatra comes in the tenth place in the sky. In the constellation, it is in the sickle-shaped sign. Magha Nakshatra is situated on the staff below the sickle. Sun is the lord of Leo and Ketu is the lord of Magha Nakshatra. Magha means strong, great, excellent philanthropist, wealthy, prosperous, and most importantly. Ancestors are considered to be the presiding deities of Magha. The native's Nakshatra and ancestral He progresses by attaining many qualities. The first half of any zodiac sign is called Devgan and the second half of any zodiac sign is called Pitra Hora. The person is of medium size and is distinguished and a little bit stubborn. He is against tradition, civilization, and institutions. Is protective. Idealistic, truthful, born in a wealthy family. Native Americans have some hereditary defects and diseases. Works to increase respect for moral values and conduct, inner happiness, and peace. Fire element Being situated in, it is full of energy, vigor, and brilliance. The nose, lips, and chin are considered to be the parts of Magha Nakshatra. Such a person has a slightly long nose and is the one who wins the hearts of others. Interest in art literature. Lawyer, judge, industrialist, astrologer, historian, politician, businessman, moneylender, and dealer of rare goods, is skilled in making designs. He is busy praising his ancestors and is unable to do anything for his generation. Ketu planet is the lord of Magha Nakshatra and is considered the flag bearer and it definitely gets authority, position, prestige, and glory. Have the ability to understand others quickly. Magha Nakshatra, the karakatva of the tenth house from the tenth house, enjoys the pleasure of power.
11. Purva Phalguni Nakshatra:- Purva Phalguni Nakshatra is in Leo from 13° 20" to 26° 40". The person has a beautiful body and an attractive personality. The lord of the constellation is Venus. The person will definitely get respect, prestige, happiness, and fame. An undeveloped soul is egoistic. He is polite, virtuous, hardworking, and skilled in business and gives efficiency and financial benefits in business. Dedicated to mutual cooperation, good conduct, love of beauty, and creative nature. Women with Purva Phalguni Nakshatra should do manufacturing work of clothes, jewelry, and cosmetics. Buying and selling modeling, photography, singing, gynecology, acting, creative work, perfume industry, cotton clothes, and silk clothes should be started. The tourism department and operators should work. This work will be good. Family members should be given importance. There may be more influence of impulsiveness, passion, and passion in nature.
12. Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra:- It is the twelfth Nakshatra in the sky and it falls in Leo from 26 degrees 40 Kala to 30 degrees. Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra is included in the Virgo sign from 0 degrees to 10 degrees from the second phase to the fourth phase. Aryama is considered to be the presiding deity of Uttaraphalguni constellation and the lord of the constellation is Surya. Sun is the king of the planetary council. The person is mighty, majestic and respected like a king. The personality is long, independent and helpful to others. Sometimes the person with Agnitva zodiac sign is of an angry nature, harsh, fearless, and a killer of enemies. Protects the honor and dignity of others. One who speaks truth, likes simplicity, and is free from deceit. A person born in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra in the Virgo zodiac sign is a princess, a lover of humor, and enjoys fun with friends. She is cheerful and friendly. Is efficient in saving money. There is financial gain from the in-laws' side.
13. Hasta Nakshatra:- All four phases of Hasta Nakshatra fall in Virgo. On one hand, Hasta Nakshatra is related to karma and on the other hand, the palm line makes our destiny. The lord of Hasta Nakshatra is Sun God. Some scholars are of the opinion that it is considered a closed fist of the hand and a closed fist definitely represents secrecy. It is related to greed, attachment, and deceit, while on the other hand, the fingers of the hand represent mutual cooperation and harmony, which indicates the first step to success. The girl is a beautiful, polite, efficient housewife, who brings up children and imparts good values through all the work done for prosperity. To make the home environment happy and healthy, peaceful and pleasant. The girl's height is short, her eyes are big and her face is chubby. Eyes speak and the mind is sharp, it feels good to always be active. Wants to organize everything. Moon is the lord of the constellation and is skilled in art, tolerant, and dutiful. Sometimes, even after being a victim of deceit and fraud, a person is not able to say anything against injustice and exploitation. Hasta Nakshatra is considered to be the constellation of Vaishya caste. The person has skilled leadership qualities and is adept in tasks related to purchasing, production, and sales. Humorous nature, slim body, and fast pace make them efficient in completing the work. One gains proficiency in computer work and surgical knowledge. These include air elements and water element and they easily catch colds and coughs.
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