According to astrology, for marriage and happy life, we should look at the Second house, fourth house, fifth, seventh, eighth and twelfth houses in our horoscope and their lords Venus, Mars and Jupiter. Yoga plays a role in a happy life.
1 The second house represents our marriage, its growth and expansion., wealth, speech, second marriage, family, thinking, unstable accumulated wealth, prestige.
2. The fourth house represents our family's happiness, comfort and convenience. domestic peace in home, comfort, menstrual cycle and procreatary system, natural birth of child, property, behaviour of Mother in law and Grandmother , happiness.
3. The fifth house represents our children, love relationships, happiness and joy. fifth bhava love affairs, intelligence, spoken and writing, speech problems, Pastlife karma, intuition , miscarriage, mental peace, income.
4. Seventh Bhava love marriage, arrange marriage, extra marital , spouse and husband, remarriage, cheating, harassment, open enemies, married life
5. Eight bhava longevity, mystery, disputes, sudden unexpected gains
6. Twelve bhava comfort of bedroom, sleeping.
7 Venus :- Wife, marriage ,pleasure, attachments, love, married life, beauty, sexual pleasure, good fortune, close relationship, sense of taste, impotence,.
8. Mars :- physical and mental strength, sexual vitality, bleeding, blood, character, extramarital affairs.
9. Jupiter's :- devotion, honesty, husband, children, legal affairs, fortune, wisdom..
Yoga for happy married life.
2 If the seventh lord is auspicious and strong in a horoscope then marriage is happy. 3. Auspicious planets in seventh house provided they are not the lords of sixth house, eighth house and twelfth house and there will be a happy married life.
4. If the lord of seventh house is placed in seventh house then there is auspicious married life yoga.
5. If the lords of fifth house and seventh house are strong in a horoscope then this yoga is formed.
6. If auspicious planets are placed in seventh house and aspect seventh lord then this yoga is formed.
7. If Jupiter and seventh lord are strong then this yoga is formed. If fifth lord and ninth lord aspect Venus in a horoscope then happy life yoga is formed.
8. If Lagneshwar is near to Saptamesh then a happy life yoga is formed.
9. If Sun or Moon is seen in the seventh house by an auspicious planet which is a factor of the second or eleventh house then a happy life yoga is formed.
10. The seventh lord should be auspicious and strong.
11. If there is no malefic planet, the seventh lord placed in the seventh house gives a happy marriage.
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