Monday 10 June 2024




         Man is a social animal. The issue of the marriage of a boy and a girl is important for us. Horoscope matching is done and the biggest question for us is that the family of the boy and the girl is important. Their financial condition should be good and what is their status in society. In the modern era, it has become very important to see this. Sometimes we get our children married within the same family. Such families appear very good but in reality, there is something strange inside. This fate line is created by the creator from the planets and constellations in the sky at the time of birth. Some are governed by the deeds of our previous births. According to the position of planets and constellations in astrology, the planets and constellations in our sky have given special indications about this. In astrology, planets, and yoga are formed and one should see whether their financial condition is strong or not.

 Astrological Planetary combinations are being mentioned based on which the financial condition and status in the society are seen.


  1.       Pay special attention to the second, seventh, tenth, and eleventh houses, and pay special attention to these houses and their lords. Navamsa is the position, Jupiter, Venus, Mercury, Sun, Mars, and Saturn are good or bad in the horoscope and tell the status of the situation.

  2.           If the Lagna lord is strong and powerful and the 7th lord is in exalted sign. There is a beneficial aspect to it. Ascendant lord is situated in Kendra or Trikona. Native will belong to high-status families.

3.              If the lord of Ascendant is in the 6th, 8th, or 12th house or is in a weak or low zodiac sign then the native will be from a low caste.


4.              If the Ascendant and the 7th lord are in combustion lord or enemy sign or Navamsa then the life partner will not be from a good background.

5.                 If the seventh lord is placed in the second house or the seventh lord and the second lord are in conjunction in the same house, then money is received from in-laws in the form of dowry.

6.                 The conjunction of the lord of the 7th house and the 11th house will indicate a huge demand for wealth, and marriage will be fixed

7.                    If the seventh lord and the second lord are placed in the second house then the native will gain wealth through marriage and the marriage may take place with a working girl.

Ascendant is Pisces . Due to the conjunction of the lord of the second house and the lord of the seventh house . Mercury is seventh lord and Mars is second lord . In which the Jupiter is in good position and the native has fulfilled desires, the person has received higher education and a good position. His wife has received good education and a good position. His wife comes from a high-ranking family. The person received good monetary benefits after marriage. Both husband and wife do good business. The Sun is the lord of the sixth house and Venus is the lord of the third and eighth house. Due to the setting of some planets due to the Sun, the person is seeing differences in marriage.

Sunday 26 May 2024



          Ketu is situated in the seventh position of someone's horoscope. Ketu leads to self-realization. Ketu makes a person pay for the good and bad deeds of his previous births. Ketu has a good life partner and is a person who does good work. Our married life fills us with happiness. , If the position of Venus in our horoscope is good then no marital hurdles arise. Ketu helps in the fulfillment of desires. This improves our business and reduces problems with children. Good and capable children are born. When Ketu is inauspicious, bad deeds are seen and happiness in married life reduces. There is mental tension in married life and fights with family members. The person is not loving his life partner. Ketu likes justice. A person who behaves well never faces any sorrow. It takes him to great heights. If there are inauspicious effects then tension and anxiety arise in married life and sometimes mutual differences and divorce also arise. There is a loss of money. Many times life is spent entangled in court cases.    l If Ketu is troubling you then you should remedy Rahu. Both planets are situated opposite to each other in the horoscope.

          The seventh house plays a very important role in our life. Spouse, marriage, husband and wife, sexual desires fulfilled, children, happiness, how relationships are in society, family relations, disputes, legal problems, second wife, lost land acquisition, hernia, sex-related disease, dual role, trade and speculation, second child, marital happiness, business tact, social attachment, represents enemies in front of us. Grandfather, brother's son, uterus, bladder, ovaries, anal canal, urinary organs, semen, groins. Ketu significator Salvation, self-knowledge, wisdom, worship, Ancestors, past life accumulated karma, all complicated and legal matters, separation in relationship, paternal grandmothers, maternal grandmother, nervous system, unidentified diseases, mental stability, Electric wire, Rods, yarns, needles, marital relationship, mediatory, police case, court case in married life, Spirituals. When Ketu Dasha or Anterdash is in going on then effects will be seen during the period. when Ketu is auspicious the good effects are seen. If Ketu is Inauspicious negative effects will happen.

              The seven houses play a very important role in our lives. Spouse, marriage, husband and wife, sexual desires fulfilled, children, happiness, how relationships are in society, family relations, disputes, legal problems, second wife, lost land acquisition, hernia, sex-related disease, dual role, trade and speculation, second child, marital happiness, business tact, social attachment, represents enemies in front of us. Grandfather, brother's son, uterus, bladder, ovaries, anal canal, urinary organs, semen, groins.

Saturday 16 March 2024




Sun in the seventh house:- The person always remains alone in life and has very few friends. The person will have to face very difficult times and will have to stay away from her husband most of the time. Marriage is mostly difficult and he will travel. He will have to lose his moral character. His partner will be fond of other women. He will be suspicious of his wife. This will be done to him and he will not reside but in many cases, he will be together and he will have double standards. He will remain in government service and will bear the punishment and insult of the people. Due to this, he will have to face suffering and defeat. The person suffers due to the Sun being situated in the seventh house. The native will be suffering from mental health problems and is working hard.


The person gets angry because of his own words and tries to torture his wife.  The person's life partner is ambitious and this is the reason why his married life remains unhappy.  Sun is in debilitated sign in the seventh house

Sunday 17 September 2023



       When any person is born, he/she has a birth constellation. The position of planets and constellations is how they are positioned in the sky at that particular time and from that particular place. Twelve houses and twelve zodiac signs are visible in our horoscope and planets seem to be located inside them. 27 Nakshatras also guide this 360-degree zodiac. The zodiac sign in which the Moon will appear in the horoscope of any individual is the birth sign. Without constellations, it is impossible to know the movement of planets. The importance given to the eyes in the human body is similar to what is given to the constellations in astrology. In other words, if astrology is the eye of knowledge, then it would not be wrong to call a constellation the eye of astrology. It affects the living beings on the earth.

Each Nakshatra covers 13°20' of the zodiac and thus there are 27 of them. Each Nakshatra is divided into four equal parts of 3°20', each known as a pad and each pad representing different characteristics.
Each woman has different qualities. Moon and various Nakshatras decide it as per the details given below:

Ashwini Nakshatra:-(Ketu,) The nature of these women is fast working, agility, candor, lively heart, happy mood, intelligence,, attractive youth, leadership, magic, muscular body, courageous good manners. Loves ornaments, wears nice clothes, respects elders, and has more friends. Skilled in buying and selling, generous intelligence, air diseases, new things and new plans, and full of money grains. If the father born in the first place remains ill because it is considered Ganda Moola Nakshatra. The first term is 0-3°-20'. Mars is the lord of the zodiac and Sun is the causative planet. The second term falls from 3° 20' to 6°-40'. It comes in the Navamsa of Venus and the woman is respected for being resourceful, a lover of luxury, and full of wealth. It remains warm from 6°40' to 10°. Comes in the Navamsa of Mercury. Happy, humorous, loving, intelligent, tactful, businessman, and knowledgeable of many subjects. The fourth house is from 10° to 13°20', the lord of Navamsa is Moon and the woman is understanding of others' needs, sensitive, generous-hearted, having faith in truth, justice, and religion.

Good cook, dancer, maker, and medicine seller. Running is a risky job. Work related to law and order, treatment of diseases, and sports are efficient. Diamonds are jewelers, wear gold ornaments, and are exploratory tools used in hospitals.

   2. BHARANI NAKSHATRA:- (Venus)     Women born in Bharani Nakshatra have secretive nature, life and purity swing at opposite ends, purity, and filth, stupidity, scholarship and food, desire, aspiration, childish behavior, inquisitive nature, importance to feelings, desire to attain enlightenment, The little one enters puberty. Age, Big eyes, Attractive, Skilled in expressing emotions through eyes, Eyes speak, Head big, Lips medium size, Charming smile, Killer mannerisms, and charming smile, Sense of responsibility, Lack of will, Violent, Aggressive, Cruel behavior, Sometimes leaving one work unfinished and starting another, Enthusiastic and energetic, Lack of direction, Conjoined with Maa Saraswati, Maa Lakshmi and Maa Kali and Cheerful and sociable and feminine nature, Determination, Two Supernatural unions of souls, rich in original ideas, espionage, modeling, cosmetics, fond of tea, making sweets, crossing the boundaries of the opposite sex, building relationships, indulgences, changing tradition, all these qualities are included. Justice and surgery, sharp instruments, blasting work, aiming, and high positions are active. Sharp intelligence, fierce look, and gentle nature, self-respecting, mighty, and not afraid of fighting. Prosperity, health, film solution, and light food.

  3. Kritika Nakshatra:- (Sun)and  The word Kritika means a woman who proves her work. Kritika's cutter, dissector, and sharp hitter, Sun God is the king and Venus is the lord of the zodiac. Women born in Kritika Nakshatra are beautiful and attractive youth, hardworking and mighty, they are fond of playing with dangers. Self-confidence, determination, amazing strength, and ethical behavior are supported by a loving lover, human values are supported by a generous heart, and worldly pleasures are a luxurious desire. He is fond of wearing royal clothes, wearing diamonds, and pearls.

  Mrigashira Nakshatra:-    A woman born in Mrigashira Nakshatra is beautiful, eats well, respects elders, has a loud voice, wrathful, fickle, mild, wandering, inquisitive nature, sharp-minded, gentle, cheerful, sociable, polite, humble, enthusiastic, ever- Sometimes the character is suspicious. Husband in vain, due to which conjugal happiness is on fire. The lord of the zodiac is Mars and the woman is stubborn, aggressive, and cruel. Sometimes keeping and trusting a woman with more than one person proves to be harmful. Designing, journalism, and doing business is a hobby. Home decoration, gardening, research bureau, knowledge of physics and astronomy, craftsmanship. Interested in astrological knowledge and spiritual progress. It remains like a mirage.

Ardra Nakshatra stays in Gemini from 6°40' degrees to 20 degrees. Its lord is Rahu. Shiva the destroyer is considered the presiding deity of Arda Nakshatra. Women born in these are fickle, face somewhat long, curly hair, sharp vision piercing hearts, fickle minds, angry, emotional nature, make false statements, and look calm from the outside and the mind-brain is always active from the inside. Those who live are immoral. Conduct gives happiness, splendor, and prosperity, achieves success, is physically strong, mighty, and hardworking. Thoughts have the power to bear the storm patiently, maintain cleanliness, and remain stable even in adverse circumstances. Healer of brain diseases, greedy for happiness, confidence, and spiritual progress, and helper of the poor. In the modern era, the qualities of science music entertainment, interest in writing, philosophical education style, fast food, drugs and political conspiracies and scams, search exploration, photography, mathematics science, designing, art science music exist. The lord of the zodiac is Mercury and Rahu is lord the lord of the constellation. Turmoil and chaos, fantasy and sentimentality, seasickness, and distinctive identity appear.

Punarvasu Nakshatra = This Nakshatra lasts from 20 degrees of Gemini to 3 degrees 20 degrees of Cancer.  Nakshatra is Jupiter and the lord of Rashi is Moon. The women of the Vaishya caste are of medium height, mild-mannered, kind-hearted, and charitable. Perseverance in religion, loving discipline, courage, peace, truthfulness, impartiality, business intelligence, tact, loving family and skill, truthful, unwavering faith, hardworking, mighty, ambitious, scholar, scientist and litterateur, wealth and fame from abroad meets. , Clever, smart, squat, hunter, flexible body, cleanliness lover, excessive experimenter, shameless in behavior, and courageous in adverse circumstances. They are related to society. Knowledge of psychology, astrology, esotericism, interest in maintenance, interest in interior things, desire to invent, sharp intelligence, a special attachment to religious works.

Pushya Nakshatra:- Pushya Nakshatra ranges from 3 degrees 20" to 16 degrees 40" of Cancer. Cancer is the sign of water element, the lord of this sign is Moon. Pushya Nakshatra is considered the eighth constellation in the sky and is at number eight. The Lord of Pushya Nakshatra is Shani Dev and the deity is Jupiter. The deity is considered to be even more influential than the lord. The metaphor of Pushya Nakshatra is related to the udder of the mother cow. Our gods and goddesses are believed to reside in the mother cow. A woman born in Pushya Nakshatra is lucky, wealthy, and plays a royal role. These women are sweet-spoken, majestic, full of happiness, splendor and prosperity, success, affection, cooperation, hospitality, and always clever. The chest of a woman is strong, shapely round, and radiant. The body is also a muscular body leading to obesity. Cold and cough develop very quickly. Friendly, polite, obsessed with delicious food and worldly pleasures. Mother-like women have special reverence and respect. Politics diplomacy and power can become the sum of happiness and prosperity. Cancer is the fourth zodiac sign of the horoscope, mother, land, and place of happiness. Mother's love and love for children. Ambitious and progressive, patience gives stamina.

Ashlesha Nakshatra:- In Cancer, the four phases of the Ashlesha constellation fall from 16°40" to 30°. The star chakra of Ashlesha Nakshatra is situated on the forehead of Nagraj Vasuki. Girls born in Ashlesha Nakshatra are very beautiful and attractive. ..It is about personality. Mercury is the lord. The qualities of Mercury are temperament and intelligence, practical, efficient, visionary, and talented. If Mercury in Ashlesha Nakshatra is under the influence of sin then it is selfish, deceitful, and deceitful. Like a doctor, he is considered cruel, vindictive, and violent. A person is born to complete the tasks left incomplete in previous lives. A part of the karma of previous birth appears as Prarabdha Karma. Dev and demon tendencies are included. A criminal, a scammer, becomes interested in the conspiracy.

It cannot tolerate hunger and wants to eat delicious food. He does not forget his insult. Hawk, a criminal, becomes interested in the conspiracy. Ashlesha Nakshatra is a Gand Moola Nakshatra and it causes problems for the parents.

Pesticides, the petroleum industry, drug buying and selling, research institutes, secret variable departments, psychologists, spiritual gurus, and treatment of poisonous infections are good.

 MAGHA NAKSHATRA;-  In Leo, the four phases of Magha Nakshatra come from 0° to 13°20" and Magha Nakshatra comes in the tenth place in the sky. In the constellation, it is in the sickle-shaped sign. Magha Nakshatra is situated on the staff below the sickle. Sun is the lord of Leo and Ketu is the lord of Magha Nakshatra. Magha means strong, great, excellent philanthropist, wealthy, prosperous, and most importantly. Ancestors are considered to be the presiding deities of Magha. The native's Nakshatra and ancestral He progresses by attaining many qualities. The first half of any zodiac sign is called Devgan and the second half of any zodiac sign is called Pitra Hora. The person is of medium size and is distinguished and a little bit stubborn. He is against tradition, civilization, and institutions. Is protective. Idealistic, truthful, born in a wealthy family. Native Americans have some hereditary defects and diseases. Works to increase respect for moral values and conduct, inner happiness, and peace. Fire element Being situated in, it is full of energy, vigor, and brilliance. The nose, lips, and chin are considered to be the parts of Magha Nakshatra. Such a person has a slightly long nose and is the one who wins the hearts of others. Interest in art literature. Lawyer, judge, industrialist, astrologer, historian, politician, businessman, moneylender, and dealer of rare goods, is skilled in making designs. He is busy praising his ancestors and is unable to do anything for his generation. Ketu planet is the lord of Magha Nakshatra and is considered the flag bearer and it definitely gets authority, position, prestige, and glory. Have the ability to understand others quickly. Magha Nakshatra, the karakatva of the tenth house from the tenth house, enjoys the pleasure of power.

 11.  Purva Phalguni Nakshatra:-    Purva Phalguni Nakshatra is in Leo from 13° 20" to 26° 40". The person has a beautiful body and an attractive personality. The lord of the constellation is Venus. The person will definitely get respect, prestige, happiness, and fame. An undeveloped soul is egoistic. He is polite, virtuous, hardworking, and skilled in business and gives efficiency and financial benefits in business. Dedicated to mutual cooperation, good conduct, love of beauty, and creative nature. Women with Purva Phalguni Nakshatra should do manufacturing work of clothes, jewelry, and cosmetics. Buying and selling modeling, photography, singing, gynecology, acting, creative work, perfume industry, cotton clothes, and silk clothes should be started. The tourism department and operators should work. This work will be good. Family members should be given importance. There may be more influence of impulsiveness, passion, and passion in nature.

12.    Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra:- It is the twelfth Nakshatra in the sky and it falls in Leo from 26 degrees 40 Kala to 30 degrees. Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra is included in the Virgo sign from 0 degrees to 10 degrees from the second phase to the fourth phase. Aryama is considered to be the presiding deity of Uttaraphalguni constellation and the lord of the constellation is Surya. Sun is the king of the planetary council. The person is mighty, majestic and respected like a king. The personality is long, independent and helpful to others. Sometimes the person with Agnitva zodiac sign is of an angry nature, harsh, fearless, and a killer of enemies. Protects the honor and dignity of others. One who speaks truth, likes simplicity, and is free from deceit. A person born in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra in the Virgo zodiac sign is a princess, a lover of humor, and enjoys fun with friends. She is cheerful and friendly. Is efficient in saving money. There is financial gain from the in-laws' side.

13. Hasta Nakshatra:- All four phases of Hasta Nakshatra fall in Virgo. On one hand, Hasta Nakshatra is related to karma and on the other hand, the palm line makes our destiny. The lord of Hasta Nakshatra is Sun God. Some scholars are of the opinion that it is considered a closed fist of the hand and a closed fist definitely represents secrecy. It is related to greed, attachment, and deceit, while on the other hand, the fingers of the hand represent mutual cooperation and harmony, which indicates the first step to success. The girl is a beautiful, polite, efficient housewife, who brings up children and imparts good values through all the work done for prosperity. To make the home environment happy and healthy, peaceful and pleasant. The girl's height is short, her eyes are big and her face is chubby. Eyes speak and the mind is sharp, it feels good to always be active. Wants to organize everything. Moon is the lord of the constellation and is skilled in art, tolerant, and dutiful. Sometimes, even after being a victim of deceit and fraud, a person is not able to say anything against injustice and exploitation. Hasta Nakshatra is considered to be the constellation of Vaishya caste. The person has skilled leadership qualities and is adept in tasks related to purchasing, production, and sales. Humorous nature, slim body, and fast pace make them efficient in completing the work. One gains proficiency in computer work and surgical knowledge. These include air elements and water element and they easily catch colds and coughs.

Friday 21 October 2022


 What are the wedding rituals? 

 If a wise man becomes of marriageable age, then never propose marriage by giving him a girl beauty. Marry a girl of pure conduct. 

The nature of the bride and groom should not be harsh.

 Do not marry those who speak harsh words and words.

 According to the scriptures, marriage with organs is prohibited from birth. The girl whose face has marks of mustache like men. 

The nature of the groom should be like that of a woman and the nature of a woman should not be married to like a man's.

 The girl's voice should not be too low and hoarse like that of a crow. 

The girl whose ankles are raised high and her feet should not be flat, her hands and feet should not be heavy.

 The girl's eyebrows should not be intertwined.

 Whose teeth come forward and crooked teeth? 

The girl should not be related to the generation of the mother's side and from the father's side till the seventh generation.

 You should marry leaving your gotra, mother's clan, grandfather's, and grandmother's clan.

 Marriage is considered auspicious in its own religion. Marriage is considered taboo in other religions and castes. Marrying in another religion gives birth to a hybrid child.

Sunday 20 March 2022



  There are 27 constellations in the celestial constellation. According to astrology, our nine planets transit in 27 nakshatras, its effect was seen in our life, on the earth's atmosphere, and on the inhabitants of the earth. The movement of planets is impossible without constellations. The constellation in which the moon is situated at that time is called the birth constellation of that person. Today we will discuss the qualities and nature of women according to them.

There are four parts in front of a Nakshatra i.e. pad. A sum is  30 degrees. A constellation is 13 degrees 20 degrees. One Nakshatra pad (3 degrees is 20 degrees. The first constellation starts from Ashwini.)

1. Ashwini Nakshatra

The lord of the Ashwini constellation is Ketu. People born in this Nakshatra are beautiful, simple-hearted, gentle, and benevolent. Cheerful, intelligent, charming personality, loves decorations and ornaments.  anger handsome respects elders and beliefs in God. A girl is born, she is sick. If she is born in the evening, then she herself is ill. Married life is normal.

2. Bharani Nakshatra:- The lord of Bharani Nakshatra is the planet Venus. Girls born in Bharani Nakshatra have curious nature, the important of aspiration, beautiful eyes, and attractiveness. They are able to express their feelings through their eyes. Head big, lips medium shape, smile seductive. This caste appears calm when there is a heavy storm in the mind. Sometimes they are cruel, enthusiastic, and energetic. There is a lack of sense of responsibility. Married life goes by a compromise.

3. Krittika Nakshatra:-Sun is the lord of the constellation. The word Kritika means the woman who accomplishes the task. The native may be a courageous, greedy, cunning, high-circled, broad-faced, good eater, agitated, and may behave violently. Active and hardworking, mighty, clever, leaders, philosophical in nature, materialistic and desirous of worldly pleasures, are passionate. The seventh house of Hitler's beloved was Kritika Nakshatra. Her lover was the army chief. Unconventional marriage is indicated.

4. Rohini Nakshatra:- Ruler Moon by Rohini Nakshatra. Rohini herself is a woman wise. Debate, money, wealth, financial security, beauty, love, ideals, and sweetness of relationships. Soft and feminine is of accessible beauty, the upper lips are slightly plump, and the smile is adorable. The eyes look gorgeous and speak gracefully. There is a very deep relationship in married life. There is humility in nature. Conscientious to parents and have good families and children. These women achieve success in their profession.

5. Mrigashira Nakshatra:- The lord of the constellation is Mars. Women born in this Nakshatra are inquisitive and investigative. They are polite, cheerful, friendly, polite, polite, and enthusiastic. Intelligent, rational, successful, virtuous, artistic ability Have fun, have picnics, and get success in the spiritual realm. Shiva and Parvati were married in Mrigashira Nakshatra. There are many ups and downs in married life.

6. Ardra Nakshatra:- Rahu is the lord of Ardra Nakshatra. Women born in Ardra Nakshatra have long faces, curly hair, and heart-wrenching vision. They are emotional, prone to anger, and quick to temper. Strong bodies, mighty and hardworking they cannot earn money and cannot add to it. It is a pleasure to spend their earnings. They do not know how to worry about the future. Wander like Rahu. Women waste their power and strength in vain deeds. Imagination and emotion dominate. If there is a malefic effect on Ardra Nakshatra, then the person becomes insidious, cunning, violent, and arrogant and if there is an auspicious effect, he becomes hard-working, enthusiastic, and Pravatsal. There is balance in married life.

7. Punarvasu Nakshatra:- The lord is Jupiter. The birth name of Lord Ram Chandra Ji is Nakshatra Punarvasu Nakshatra. Women born in Punarvasu Nakshatra are virtuous and full of strength and energy. Tolerant, and content, always happy life, his innate belief in high thoughts, little or medium stature, gentle nature, full of compassion and benevolence. Intelligent, scholar, imaginative dear scientist, and litterateur, Pathan is interested in reading, loves family, and knows how to respect elders. He knows how to unite society. Vaishya Varna is a constellation, they are skilled in giving and giving. The qualities of Sita Mata are visible. The marriage will be full of devotion and devotion and sometimes they get separated because of others and reunite. ,

8.  Pushya Nakshatra: - Ruled by Saturn. It is the eighth star in the solar system. Nakshatra means nourisher, full of energy power. Ancient scholars also consider it to be a milk-producing cow. Cancer period is the sign of male. The fourth sign is the place of the mother. Women born in Nakshatra Conscientious, Reliable, Loyal, Beautiful, Eyes Beautiful, Charming, Maternal qualities, Medium stature, Respect, Self-respecting, Successful, High family, Wealthy, Scholar, Kind, Benevolent, Efficient, Cheerful, Friendly, Happy in the family The realization. Proficiency in deeds and speech, great self-confidence. Colds and colds are increasing rapidly. Wealthy, efficient in communication, quick reply, more talkative, fond of delicious food. In love with his husband. If it happens at night, it can cause problems for the mother.

9. Ashlesha Nakshatra:- Lord is Mercury. A woman born in Ashlesha Nakshatra is considered beautiful, attractive personality, snake horoscope, secret, secret, insidious, ungrateful, and poisonous. There is a strong connection between ancestral qualities and tradition. In fact, they are born to complete the unfinished tasks of their previous lives. Anger, excitement, Ability to strike quickly, Lack of forgiveness, Cruel and harsh behavior, Small eyes, Sociable, Popular, Flatter, Twister, Skillful seer, Skilled in anticipating evil, Unable to bear hunger. Lover of delicious food, Rajasic, and tamasic food, and liquor Gand Mool Nakshatra destroys wealth and splendor, loses of her mother, and loss of fourth father from the birth of the third pada.

10. Magha Nakshatra: Ketu, the ruler of Magha, the word Ketu means strong, noble, excellent, benevolent, endowed with wealth and splendor. Such a person is compelled to enjoy the fruits of the virtuous deeds of previous births in this birth. Good work gives health and respect. And power gives happiness. The main role of Ketu is in the Sun sign and Leo in Magha Rashi. A person born in this nakshatra gets wealth, glory, and fame in ancestral property. The ancestors were considered to be the presiding deity of Magha Nakshatra. A person born in Magha Nakshatra is of medium stature, dignified, and a bit stubborn. He protects tradition, civilization, and institutions. He has reverence and respect for his ancestors. There is pride too. clinging to the memories of the past. Contains the qualities of Ketu. distorted by desires. Married life was satisfactory.

11. Poorva Phalguni The constellation is located in the sign of the Sun and is ruled by Venus. It is a cruel, downright human quality. The person born in this Nakshatra gets prestige, happiness and fame. , considers himself superior and other people as inferior or inferior. In the first phase, the person gets the happiness of wealth, splendor and power. In the second phase, he is humble, virtuous, hardworking and efficient in business. Known for gentle demeanor, love of beauty, good advice and creative nature in the third phase. Cheerful and friendly, overestimate his selfishness and happiness. Like Venus, attraction, love, affection and cooperation and happiness are the factors of wealth. Married life is happy.

12.  Uttar Phalguni Nakshatra is 26 degrees 40 of Leo zodiac to 10 degrees of Virgo. Sun is the lord of constellation. Falgun month signifies the spring season. The full moon of Falgun month is related to Guru. Holika Dahan this month. And then there is color festival Holi. Those who are born in Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra are like honesty and simplicity, their behavior is free from deceit. He is skilled in accumulating wealth and is the inheritor of wealth. Sometimes she gets money from her in-laws. Truth, justice, lucky. Sharp intellect, scholar and hardworking and philanthropist. Has soft, beautiful hair, soft nature and softness. Married life is happy. There is love marriage too.

13. Hasta Nakshatra: - The constellation is the moon. It is the thirteenth constellation in the solar system. The hand is associated with karma on the one hand, and on the other hand, the palm line makes our fate. Somewhere it is also called the potter's wheel. The potter gives a new shape to the clay. Make useful things. The magician is a lover of witchcraft, entertainment, and sports. Physically and mentally active. The people of Hasta Nakshatra have flexible bodies, small eyes, round faces, sharp intellect, and life as a game to the world. Like the moon full of all arts Is attached  Love to love, the qualities of artists absorbed. Married life is pleasant.

14.Chitra Nakshatra:- The constellation of Chitra Nakshatra is Mars.   two pads of the Chitra constellation come in Virgo and two pads fall in Libra . Chitra Nakshatra is called balanced and remains the  opposite sex attraction. Chitra Nakshatra means picture. Bright, pied, interest, wonderfully made. He is a deity. She is the creator of the world. Those born in Chitra Nakshatra are elusive forms of beauty, harmony, working behind the scenes. Special interest in products and equipment, attractiveness, art, science, technology, beautiful body, thin eyebrows, seductive smile, sweet and elegant behavior. The opposite sex becomes  attraction. Vaishya is the constellation of the caste, responsible for the production and distribution of legal goods, the creator or maker, acts of policy and rulemaking. Addiction and sensuality, fond of wearing expensive, brandy clothes. Prefers to wear diamonds, pearls and Jewellery. Drugs are also crazy. Married life remains balanced.

15. Swati Nakshatra: - Constellation is Rahu. In Swati Nakshatra whirlwind, 6 degrees of the Libra zodiac are from 40 degrees to 20 degrees. 

 Auspicious constellation. Swati constellation symbol of small plants branches swinging wind and person has a body proportionate. She is a cheerful, friendly, diplomatic, influential personality, polite, tactful, civilized and virtuous. He follows social tradition, customs faithfully, Lacks self-confidence. Because Libra the Sun is debilitated. Still on strength, talent, efficiency, inclined to make identity. Sometimes such a person flaunts morality, religion and law to get wealth, honor and prestige. Goddess is related to Saraswati. The qualities of music, art, learning are also found in the native .Kidney and bladder disorders, Diabetes, Vein disorders, Urinary tract, Uterine diseases, Hemorrhoids, Frigidity, Impotence .Marriage will happy.

16. Vishakha Nakshatra:- Vishakha is the Guru of Nakshatra. It is called the throne of Indra. The tradition of making furnished entrances in marriages, social festivals is considered a symbol of Visakha Nakshatra. Due to Venus being in Libra, the factor of marriage is Vishakha Nakshatra. People were born in this nakshatra to have energy, impulsiveness, concentration and social ambition. Known. Always be ready to grow new relationships and contacts. The person's eyes are sharp and the eyes are beautiful, friendly and cheerful. Sometimes such a person drowns his passion and whims for being jealous, malice and greedy. By the way, the people of Vishakha Nakshatra are considered unrighteous. On an emotional level, this state is going to be anxious, worried, upset, content and in mental distress. Scorpio is the sign of the element of fire. This is the 16th constellation of the circle. May cause joint pain, piles, colon cancer, infection, throat problem, heart disease, seizures, prostate problem, sexual dysfunction, genital-urinary disease 

17. Anuradha Nakshatra:- Saturn is the lord of Anuradha Nakshatra. The lord of the Scorpio zodiac is Mars. The association of Mars and Saturn with the two tamasic planets gives it tamo qualities. , chest, abdomen, abdomen, and uterus are considered to be the parts of Anuradha Nakshatra. It is a place of worship, a workplace, a scholar of esoteric, and musical arts, interested in nature arts, caves, caves, metros, technical and industrial areas, research centers, religious places, and temples. Gentle, sensitive, docile. Bringing the nectar of the sky to earth, He is the one who discovers the mysteries of creation. There may be old age diseases, cancer, epidemics, menstrual problems, gas problems, joint pain, and paralysis.

18. Jyestha Nakshatra:- Mercury is the lord of Jyestha Nakshatra. It is considered to be the largest constellation. In ancient times 18 constellations were identified,  Protected as an umbrella in the rainy season.

The first position of Jyestha Nakshatra comes from 16 degrees 40 degrees to 20 degrees in the Scorpio sign in Sagittarius Navamsha of Jupiter. Along with house, such a person is also worried about the economic, social status of the family. There are many ups and downs in a person's life. Such a person is interested in learning and higher knowledge some times such a person unknowingly reveals secrets or secrets to others because of the outspokenness and carelessness of Dhanu Navamsa. Policy rules, discipline-loving, duty-oriented, policy rules are supported. People born in the second house of Jyestha Nakshatra are selfish, greedy for money, vindictive and stingy and behave harshly, mercilessly, harshly. One has to bear the burden of circumstances at an early age, Receives prestige and power. Those born in the third phase are sensitive, generous, benevolent take part in social welfare works. The native is associated with research, research and mystical ancient esoteric science. To be born in the fourth stage. A person with a sensitive, emotional nature sometimes drowns in his sorrow and pain. Leaving the concern of family and society, taking drugs, leaving a wife and having immoral relations with twelve people also leads to failure. Due to being a basic knowledgeable person, being afflicted by sin, he becomes his own enemy. There is no control over deceit, deceit, deceit, mind and intellect.

19. Mool Nakshatra: Ketu is the lord of Mool Nakshatra. Being situated in the middle of the Ganges, it is a Mool Nakshatra. Mool means the root or essence of the tree. Perhaps the name of the constellation itself tells its qualities. Mool Nakshatra is tied in one end since the beginning of Sagittarius. It is known as Gandant Nakshatra. It is called an Inauspicious constellation. The constellation must be as soon as any child is born. People born in Mool Nakshatra lose all the happiness, splendour, honour and good fortune . But they start moving towards God. After discovering the hidden secrets, they move towards progress in life. The butcher caste believes in the constellation. Impotent, Vata dominant, make the respiratory system strong, spiritual, enthusiastic, optimistic, selfish, egotistical. The natives of the first stage harm the health of the father. She is proficient in music and singing, but her mother does not bode well for her. In the third stage, the child becomes intelligent, communicative, word-skilled and literary, learned writer. Must make peace. always suffers from an illness, widowhood, destruction of wealth.

20.Poorvashada Nakshatra:- The constellation is Venus. The lord of the zodiac is Jupiter. Poorva means invincible, Ajit who is impossible to conquer. Ashadha gets the penalty of the shield. Women born in Poorvashadha Nakshatra look happy, love art,  arrogant nature, talkative, smiley face, light brown hair, muscular belly, round limbs, honest, cooperative others, increase their strength, people are working hard with hope and success. Love good food and can spend lavishly amongst your circle, good deeds, widely formed body, sensual, may not have advanced education, may have large family or friend circle. When afflicted, they may suffer from stress or diseases of the lungs, obesity, nervous breakdown, typhoid, wounds, nerves.

 21. Uttarashada Nakshatra:- Sun is the lord of Nakshatra. The first phase and the three phases come in Capricorn in Sagittarius. The influence of the Sun, Jupiter and Saturn is the king's ride, elephants are the royal vehicle. Children born in Uttarashada Nakshatra are equal to king, power and happiness. And with the responsibility attached to it. To carry forwarded unfinished works of ancestors. He is more enthusiastic, optimistic, tolerant and introspective and resolves his faults. Water element and Bhutva are Kapha predominant. Wise, skilled, worldly pleasures They are revered even in the spiritual realm of splendour. Justice is endearing, loyal, developing and full of confidence. The person with the second, third and fourth stages attain enjoyment of knowledge-science or material pleasures. Power, might, travel-loving, a benevolent person is in search of true peace. Destruction of Maya and attainment of Brahman. Full of all the characteristics of the earth. Luck rises in marriage. May cause eye diseases, tuberculosis, fever infection, blood disease,

21A.Abhijeet Nakshatra:- Sun is the constellation of the Sun, Saturn is the lord of Capricorn. From 6 parts 40 degrees to 10 degrees 53 degrees 20 development falls in Capricorn. The meaning of the name Abhijeet is "higher". The clock value of the people born in Nakshatra is 19: Beautiful personality, Bright, Brilliant, Admirable, Humble, Respected by scholars A person from a wealthy family. He is patient, serious and patient. Children born two hours ahead or two hours behind at noon and midnight are not easily distracting, but work patiently and achieve success in the face of adversity. Such a person is religious, virtuous, an advocate of justice and truth, humble, gentle, sweet-spoken, generous and benevolent. It is service to the poor. The happiness of married life is complete.

22.Shravan Nakshatra:- The constellation is the Moon. The sign of Saturn ranges from 10 degrees to 23 degrees 20 degrees of Capricorn. Shravan Nakshatra is a dormant Nakshatra, does not take the initiative to do a thing, likes to listen to people. It is considered foreign. He nourishes himself by listening to his inner voice. Public Relations Officer, Media and Communication System  Radio, Television, Newspaper, Magazine, K. Insidious, greedy nature, emotional, listening to public complaints. Stay connected with the public. Air, speech, music, economic knowledge, tourism lovers, lovers of teaching, discourse or travel for the presentation of concerts. Vanara Yoni is considered a constellation. He is an adventurer, a fan of confectionery, sweet food and a sports lover. The person suffering from inauspicious planets in the constellation becomes lame in legs. Married life is considered a source of dissatisfaction.
23.Dhanishta Nakshatra:- The constellation is Mars. From 6 degrees to 40 degrees in Capricorn and Aquarius. Scholars consider the drum or mridang to be a symbol of Dhanishta Nakshatra. possess proficiency, Stability, firmness and steadiness, gentleness, sensitivity, compassion, kindness, intelligence and clever, skilled in conversation like Dhruv. Understanding the nuances of commerce business, sharp intellect, skil.ful in analysis, life communication, high morale, purity, prosperous, generous, virtuous, successful, full of confidence. The native is a good sportsman, well versed in all kinds of sports. Friendly, very different nature, married life is considered inauspicious for happiness. tries not to marry
24.Shatabhisha Nakshatra:- The lord of Shatabhisha constellation is Rahu. There are 6 degrees in the Aquarius sign of Saturn from 40 degrees to 20 degrees. There is a miraculous string that is empty from with, Chakra means repetition or protection outside the boundary line. The secrets in Shatabhisha Nakshatra are hidden in secrecy, limits or limits. There are treasures hidden on the ocean floor. Today's media is engaged in exposing deceit, fraud and secrets. The qualities of Rahu remain hidden. Suddenly something happens. The person is a lonely, slightly cynical, introverted person. After reaching the root of anything, take a breath. People have a strange kind of attraction. In general, color form and form far from decoration. Still, it can attract everyone's attention to itself. Aquarius is considered a sign related to electricity. Today's communication medium is dependent on electrical and electronic systems. The sentences of impotent and butcher are given. If the fifth lord is related to Shatabhisha Nakshatra. There is a loss of human children and happiness. The auspiciousness of Rahu makes a person philosophical and spiritual,  undeveloped soul, the constellation Rahu live in world imagination due to the consumption of alcohol and drugs. The person is a bit sluggish, sensitive, practical, skilled in management, disciplined, silence, discipline makes you dear, psychic and without attachment. He does not have the power of worldly pleasures and splendour. The water god is the lord of this nakshatra. The sky element of this constellation is affected by the electric waves of the sky. Wheat plants also form a circle. The sinfulness of Shatabhisha Nakshatra gives disease, body pain, pain in the mouth, thigh or leg or addiction to alcohol. Marital happiness is less.

25.Poorva Bhadrapada Nakshatra:- Jupiter is the lord of Nakshatra. The first three phases fall in Aquarius and the fourth phase falls in Pisces. Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra is represented by a person with two faces. A face is gentle, polite, sensitive, kind, benevolent. So the other face is harsh, ruthless, cruel, senseless, violent, terrorist. The natives of Poorva Bhadrapada Nakshatra are often able to hide their vengeance, violence and destructive tendencies even after appearing gentle, gentle, cheerful and sociable. Poorva Bhadrapada Nakshatra is considered to be a Brahmin. Jupiter is ruled by the sign of Saturn. The natives of the first phase of Poorva Bhadrapada Nakshatra may have a tendency to be cruel, angry, angry and violent. Anger and anger should be controlled with self-discipline and self-restraint .A good speaker, good education, good children, good social prestige, good life changes, but efficient in collecting wealth, sore throat, stomach upset, suffering from air diseases, there is no good constellation, yet there will be stability in marriage.

26. Uttarbhadrapada Nakshatra:- Saturn ruled. Saturn is in the sign of Jupiter. The behavior of a person is mysterious. The native makes a good advisor. He has favours restraint and discipline. Husband loves. Religious, happy, intelligent, truthful. Afraid of enemies. Stomach diseases, throat problems, married life is pleasant. Pit factor, mighty, brave, courageous. Sometimes he sneaks attack

27. Revathi Nakshatra:- Ruled by Mercury. Jupiter is the lord of Pisces. This is the last zodiac and the last constellation. It is also called Mokshadham in the horoscope of Kalpurush. There are eight forms of Lakshmi, which is a matter of being associated with this zodiac and Revati Nakshatra. The two fishes are considered to be Nar and Narayan. The zodiac signs of Pisces are Nara and Narayan. Revati Nakshatra is the most auspicious and welfare. Such a person is gentle, gentle natured, virtuous and has refined interest. Good thoughts don't know how to be bound by boundaries. good in argument, passionate ,well mannered and sensual .some time problems in feet pain, swelling, happy married life .Revati Nakshatra This is also Gandant Nakshatra.

Monday 24 May 2021


 In every society, it is considered necessary to propose respect for marriage on the basis of the rules and traditions for the marriage. These may not be uniform all over the country, because it is made up of different castes or societies that have evolved over the ages and thus their own interactions are deeply rooted in the hearts of its members. They like to follow their conversation or social norms in deciding their children's marriage. But the last quarter of the 20th century has witnessed the rapidly expanding social circles and the free mingling of people of different castes and creeds and is having an impact on young minds, who call themselves out of social traditions. Do not feel bound by harshness or in many cases the expectations of their parents and thus marrying some is not otherwise permitted by society.



When people of two religions are bound together in a mutual agreement, they are in fact a bizarre alliance. According to my experience, this should not happen. People of our caste, caste, and society reject it. In reality, it can be seen somewhere in houses. Those children never leave their values ​​and beliefs. This may be a short-term attraction. In this society, there are some traditional and private rituals. The girl never forgets her mother and her values, nor does the girl find her husband's house. The girl finds her husband's house. Those girls think that the husband will be subject to her keeping all his relations in love . . There is a need to pay special attention to these evils in society.

Marriage should be done in one's own caste. Marrying in another religion destroys the values ​​of moral values ​​and tradition in the house that girl comes after love marriage and it settles in her mind that whatever I will do in front of her. Won't speak At the home festival it depends on their willpower because elders are not given importance. The elders of the house only watch as spectators. Whenever they say something, there is a quarrel in the house. A man starts seeing the destruction of the festival, which is celebrated by the tradition of elders in his life. They see the customs of their ancestors scattered. In their religion, their children should be in a civilized society. In today's era, boys and girls do not give rites in their homes. Because they are busy with their lives. If ever someone is asked to celebrate any festival, then write it in a book and celebrate the coming festival next year.

 According to astrology, the planetary combination, conjunction and yoga thus make the love marriage and relationship. Marriage takes place in other religions and castes. Which our society does not recognize, yet marriage takes place. Such relations formed in the society of opposition of parents of children.

1. Venus placed in the movable sign Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn and side by malefic or aspected by the Saturn, out of caste marriage occurred.

2. Venus in the 5th house aspects Saturn to mismatch marriage.

3. Jupiter placed in inimical sign in the 6th,8th or 12th house gives unconventionality marriage.

4. If Venus being lord of 10th is placed in 9th, so is a yoga karaka.

5. If Venus, Saturn, and Mars join Moon in the 7th house husband and Wife both may be corrupt.

6. If Venus- Rahu, Venus- Ketu, Mars-Venus, or Mars is related to the 1st, 8th &12th house or Venus in Gemini Or Virgo may be created something wrong.

7 If the Sun is in debilitation, the moon in affliction, Venus weak, combust 

  create problem.