Importance of muhartha in marriage :-
After the match in the horoscope, the muhurta set of marriage is also very important. It is very important to take care of all these things. It is mandatory to see the time, date, tit hi, month, moon zodiac, constellation day, yoga, and Karna. In order to ensure successful marriage in the future, it is also necessary to have children after marriage. There should be a marriage in a weak star. Jupiter and Venus must strong position.
1. Jupiter should be strong in the Muhurat for marriage because it takes care of many flaws. This should not be crossed by either the ascendant or the moon of the 8th house, either of the boy or the girl going to the wedding.
2. At the time of showing the Muhurat of marriage, the planet Mars should not be in the eighth house. Mars in 8 houses of the birth chart is not auspicious. What horoscopes are to be avoided.
3. When determining the marriage of the elder boy of the family, this should always be kept in mind and if the girl is the elder of the family, then she should not get married in the Jayestha month. Muhurta is not auspicious.
4. The marriage of the eldest daughter and of the son is not celebrated in the month of Jyeshtha.If the daughter is the eldest one she may be married in Jyeshtha to a bridge room who is not the eldest son of his parents or the eldest son may be married in Jyeshtha also to a bride who is not the eldest daughter of her parents.
It is focusing on the subject, who is actually big. If the conception is destroyed only after some time, then the other child will not be assessed.
While doing questions, in the Horary Chart, in the fifth house, the Malefic planets and if he being aspects by his enemy planet vis situated in a malefic sign then there is the certainty of the girl becoming promiscuous or the girl will definitely give birth to the dead child. It may also be that the girl is characterless.
The auspicious time when choosing the bride
What is the consideration at that time? Uttarashadha, Swati, Shravana, Poorvphalguni, Poorvashadha, Poorvabhadrapada, , Anandha, Dhanshtha, Kritika, in the nakshatra of marriage first the girl ( who is to be chosen as the bride) should be pleased with the gifts of clothes, jewels, fruits, and flowers and then having done this she should be chosen as a bride.
Due to being satisfied with other things related to the marriage of the woman and marriage, the words of the boy give the words of the girl to the relatives of the girl who is suitable for them and they have a desirable property in all of them and there is no need to search for other matches and with the boy, after putting clothes, gems, fruits, and flowers in this lap, select the girl as a bride as bridal.
Muhurta for engagement
Auspicious time for engagement for the groom, good day and new clothes, what should be the appropriate time to play the song. At what time should the Yagyopaveeta should be offered. Her best constellations, Kratika, Proovaphalgni, Proovashadha, and Proovabhadrapada are the best. There is an auspicious time in these constellations.
Planetary position for wedding time
The arranging of marriage is auspicious at the time when Jupiter is shudha or suitable six years after the birth of the daughter in even years 8/10 and so on. When the Sun is shudha or suitable in the case of the boy in odd years, 9/11, and so on, and when the moon is shudha or suitable in the case of the boy and girl.
Jupiter should be strong at the time when the marriage is rendered, otherwise many problems can be encountered. Jupiter transiting should not be in the 8th house from Lagna or a moon of either of boy or the girl going to wed.
4/8/12. 4/8/12. 4/8/12. Inauspicious
Jupiter should be strong at the time when the marriage is rendered, otherwise many problems can be encountered. Jupiter transiting should not be in the 8th house from Lagna or a moon of either of boy or the girl going to wed.
Sun. Moon. Jupiter
3/6/10/11. 3/6/7/10/11. 2/5/7/9/11. Auspicious
1/2/5/7/9. 1/2/5/9. 1/3/6/10. Auspicious After Doing Pacification Rite.
4/8/12. 4/8/12. 4/8/12. Inauspicious
The position of Jupiter in a benefice house from the natal moon in other words janam Rashi and the position of the Sun is in a benefice house from the Janam Rashi of the boy is referred.
.. When the muhurat where in Jupiter and Venus are in a favorable position with the rJanamespect to Ascendant or the Ascendant lord and should not be in adverse aspect to 7th house or its lord. The best is when Jupiter or Venus or both in Kendra or thikana house when these are more capable of taking care of disha.
Auspicious locations of rashes and planets at the time of marriage.
Celebration marriage is auspicious when the is in the signs of Gemini, Aquarius, Capricorn, Scorpio, Taurus, and Aries. If the Sun is in the sign of Gemini, then the month of Ashadha is only from the Pratipada the first tithi of the month ) to the 10th Tithi in the Darker fortnight or the Bright Half of the month that the celebrating the marriage is auspicious. If the sun is in the sign of Scorpio marriage may be celebrated in Kartik also. if he is in the sign of Capricorn, in Pausha also, and if he is in the sign of Aries, in Chaitra also.
Solar Months alone which is proper in the auspicious deeds like doing marriage tc. :- 1 marriage is not be celebrated in the month of Kartik , Pausha, and Chaitra.
If the birth of a person is birth constellation, Ashlesha, Moola, Jyeshta and Vishakha Nakshatra .
The eldest child should never marry at birth month, birth nakshatra and birth date. Marriage should not be done in the month during which the marriage of the parents has occurred.
The rules regarding the time of marriage and the progeny born in the same family and of the son and the daughter born of the same parents.
In one's own family the marriage of a daughter shouldn't be celebrated till the expiry of 6 months after the wedding of son and the mundana means first cutting of a child is not to be done till the expiry of 6 months after the marriage of a boy or a girl. Two real brothers should not be joined in wedlock with the real sister's. The marriage of two real brothers or sister's should not be celebrated till 6 month's and Shraddha of some one in the family is not to be done in an auspicious deed.
1.When time of zero date( Rikta tithi ).(4, 9, 14)
2. The day on which there is cruel war or cruel villa (Hora).
3. When there are three types of ganglion. The last two hours of the senior, Revathi, and Ashwani, Ashlesha are the first two phase Nakshatra Gandant, the last half of Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, and the first half of the Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, (5, 10, 15), the last one decrease and the first dates of the Nanda Dates (1, 6, 11) are the Gandundas. If Chandra and Jupiter are sacrificed, then the blame ends. If Gandanth is with Abhijit Nakshatra then there is no blame.
4. Kulik yoga is not married yet.
5. Yama Ghanta yoga should not be married.
6. Marriage should not be a part of marriage in the constellation of birth.
7. Dagdha tithi ( Sun in signs vs.tithi; tithi 2 Sun in signs 9 & 12 ; similarly 4-2 & 11; 6-1 & 4; 8-3 & 6: 10-5 & 8; 12- 7 & 10 revalent in M.P) 11 Sankranti day ( date of entry of Sun in a new zodiac) 12. Mrityu Panchak; 10. Doshas (I) Latta;( ii) Paat;( iii) Yuti;( iv) Vedha; (v) Mittra,; / Jamitra; Mrityu Panchak, (vii )Ekargala; (viii) Upgraha ;( ix) Kranti samaya( x) Dagdh tithi ( combust tithi) .
8. On this day, there should not be a marriage present on the date of the new moon day.(30 tithi)
9. The day when there is a birth constellation, you should not make sure of marriage.
10. If there is a Karkacha then marriage should not be begun.
11.Muhurt (Auspicious beginning ) kundli lagna shouldn't be eight bhava from. the Janam lagna and Janam rashi .If the rashi lord both are one or if so natural friend then this defect is abrogated.
12. Ten codices ( kuts) or defects should be discarded. If this is not possible, then take shelter of the effects that negate the defects and should ensure that at least 6 defects are solved.
13. The moon should not be in the sixth, eighth, or twelfth house of the zodiac sign from the girl The constellation of the day of marriage on its birth nakshatra should be even number (2, 4, 6). 9th, 18th and 27th can also be run from the birth nakshatra. Even after the sinful effect, even for the girl, the 1, 10th, and the 19th constellation is acceptable, but it is not for the groom.
Hi Can you plz tell me about my marriage and married life? How it will be? I am still unmarried though i am 32 now :(
DOB: 1st feb. 1988 time 16:30 PM Karachi Pakistan
Making a five-faced flour lamp. Burn it in front of Hanuman's statue on Tuesday
you will take this remedy after that your marriage will be done after June 22,2122. thanks
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